Welcome to QCoast2100
The Coastal Hazard Adaptation Program is a Queensland Government commitment to assist councils with coastal hazard adaptation strategies.
More InfoQCoast2100
Queensland councils can strengthen their coastal hazard resilience with more than $6 million in grant funding now available from the Queensland Government’s pioneering QCoast2100 program.
More Info88 Projects Approved to Date
QCoast2100 approves funding for 37 councils to help coastal communities prepare for the impacts of coastal hazards
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Coast to Coast Conference
JOINT CONFERENCE | The Australian Coastal Society is hosting the joint National Coast to Coast and 8th Queensland Coastal Conference from June 4–6 in Gold Coast. This event brings together coastal managers to discuss key challenges, share knowledge, and explore innovative solutions.
New funding for QCoast2100
The Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation has received $6 million in grant funding from the Queensland Reconstruction Authority through their Efficiencies Funding Program for the implementation of coastal hazard adaption works and actions for disaster mitigation through the QCoast2100 Program.
Case Studies for implementation projects
IMPLEMENTATION | QCoast2100 has been funding coastal adaptation by supporting strategy development and turning plans into on-ground solutions. Councils have implemented numerous projects to protect communities, safeguard infrastructure, and reduce coastal hazards.