QCoast 2.0 Projects

The QCoast2100 2.0 Program is designed to benefit Queensland coastal local governments by expanding on the work completed through the development of their Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategies (CHAS) under the original QCoast2100 Program. It will consist of four funding sub-programs, which will be rolled out sequentially.

Qcoast2100 2.0

Eligible Projects

CHAS completions

This program will target a small number of councils who are well advanced with their Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS) but are currently not funded to complete a full CHAS (up to Phase 8). Eligibility for this sub-program is limited to specific councils.

First Nations Coastal Hazard Study

For councils that are currently not funded to complete a CHAS. It is desirable that these councils are provided the opportunity to understand, at a minimum, what their coastal hazard exposure is and if further development of a CHAS would be beneficial. This program will enable several First Nation councils to gain a broad understanding of areas and assets (including areas of cultural heritage importance) at risk from coastal hazards, through the managed delivery of a single project by the LGAQ, in partnership with the interested councils. Eligibility for this sub-program is limited to specific councils.

Implementation Guidance

Councils face a range of common barriers and knowledge gaps when considering implementation of a CHAS. This funding program is aimed at developing a range of guidance material on State-wide issues to address these gaps. The QCoast2100 Project Team will actively work with coastal councils to identify the scope of what will provide the most value and meet councils needs. No direct funding available for specific councils.


Support implementation of finalised Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategies through coastal hazard adaptation implementation projects. Projects that demonstrate innovative solutions and benefit to other councils will be encouraged. Eligibility to apply for this sub-program can be found here.